Hello there,
I'm Staci!

Lover of puzzles and numbers! This passion led me to a 15 year career in accounting, building a multi-million dollar business and helping business owners create thriving businesses.


Hello there, I'm Staci!

Lover of puzzles and numbers! This passion led me to a 15 year career in accounting, building a mult-million dollar business and helping business owners create thriving businesses.



I'm Staci Millard

Over the last decade, I have helped hundreds of businesses understand their numbers and increase their profits. These people and businesses became my friends and my community. Knowing it was families’ hard earned money being invested, I was pulled to focus on making ALL the pieces fit together and less on financial statements and taxes. As a small business owner myself, I had a deep and intimate understanding of their struggles. I knew exactly what it meant if they stayed stuck on the treadmill, overworked, underpaid, feeling like they have no control. More importantly, I also know how freeing it could be if they were to overcome the invisible things that were holding them back, regaining control of their time and money, and freeing them up to experience all the joys in life.


With that on my heart, I went all in with my time and energy, committing to shifting that small business statistic from failure to success!

I give business owners simple tools to gain control and understand their whole business. With perspective, they can shift from keeping their business alive to helping it thrive.

When I’m not busy connecting with small businesses, you can find me with the other half of my heart - my family. I have two beautiful little girls and the most helpful husband. We enjoy camping or being in the outdoors. I practice yoga and I love chasing the sunshine. No matter where we are, you will also find a stack of books just waiting for me to dive into them.


things you might not know
about me:


things you might not know
about me:


 I grew up in the prairie provinces of Canada.

 Businesses are like puzzles to me and figuring out how all the unique pieces fit together excites me to my core.

 I wanted to be a teacher since I was in kindergarten, but my love of numbers won that battle for 15 years. Now I'm taking what I learnt building a 7-figure business and getting to use that passion to teach.

 My first go at leadership was at a chocolate store when I became a store manager at 18 years old.

 I love Instagram reels with the voice-over bad dogs. I can laugh until my face hurts.




The Business Blueprint

A step-by-step system to increase profit and flow in 90-days. This course lays out the foundation that built and scaled my business to 7-figures.


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Profit on Purpose

In this 5-step system, master your money mindset while taking tactical steps needed to regain control of your business.


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1:1 Client

Get real world knowledge to help you get unstuck and achieve those ambitious dreams you’ve been too scared to share.


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Financial Freedom

Get real world knowledge to help you get unstuck and achieve those ambitious dreams you’ve been too scared to share.


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Get actionable advice to help you scale your profitable small business


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