EP 49: The 2 Types of Burnout and How to Bring Joy Back Into Your Business

Sep 07, 2023
EP 49- Small Business School


In our society, there is a view of how quickly you should grow your business and hit certain milestones in order to be deemed a success. Many of us feel if we work hard enough we can achieve this, but this pervasive hustle culture actually just puts us into survival mode where we are unable to flourish. When in survival mode, many of us feel burnt out. 

In my years of running my business I’ve felt two types of burnout. I’ve felt the traditional type where I had simply put in too many hours, but I also felt myself losing enthusiasm for the business. I was eventually able to switch my mindset and implement tools to help prevent burnout to bring back my joy in working! 

Topics I cover: 

1:37 - The most common type of burn out is just simply putting in too many hours.

5:03 - When working with and hiring our teams, it’s important to have perspective. We often expect to hand off work very quickly, but it will take time for our teams to integrate into this new environment and work.

7:32 - One of the best changes I made for my business was switching out of a hustle culture by myself and building a team where everyone has responsibilities.

12:53 - You need to have non-negotiable time off. When you work too hard, you enter survival mode and constantly feel the need to be productive in the business. This is not healthy! 

14:45 - The second type of burnout is when you start losing enthusiasm for the business, because you are no longer aligned with the work you are doing. 


While delegating your work is not something that you can always do, you can always find joy in your business. Finding that joy in your work is the most important thing you can do. When you are doing what you love, then it makes doing the stuff you don’t love tolerable. Running a business is only possible when you are doing what you love. 

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